BlackPanther Wakanda Forever 🙅 Interesting Rumor

After the lose of Chadwick Boseman, The marvel fans have huge heart break in their hearts, Lots of fans from the world cried for him, Then Marvel announced they go do a another sequel for a Black Panther movie without Chadwick Boseman, And confirmed they don't either use Computer Graphics for to bring back Chadwick Boseman to live in screen.

But Marvel revealed gonna some tribute to Chadwick Boseman in BlackPanther : Wakanda Forever movie. After the shooting starts there are huge rumors like Namor was gonna play villan, And Shuri is the next BlackPanther, But Anyway We really gonna miss Chadwick Boseman in On-screen for BlackPanther : Wakanda Forever. 

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has rumored to have cast Mexican actress Mabel Cadena as Namora, the cousin of classic Marvel antihero Namor the Sub-Mariner For the uninitiated: Namor is Marvel’s answer to Aquaman, with a shade more moral ambiguity around the gills. Sometimes, he fought alongside the Avengers; sometimes he fought against the Fantastic Four. Always, Namor did what he wanted.

Cadena is currently posting Instagram photos of herself in Atlanta, where Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is filming. Could Cadena be playing a minor villain allied with Namor in the upcoming film?

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